Being one of BCG's top 100 women in German business

In January 2019, the Boston Consulting Group and the Manager Magazin named me as one of the “Top 100 Female Managers in German Business” and one of seven “women to watch”. 

I was honored and grateful for the recognition. As a founder and CEO of a tech startup, I took this as a responsibility to continue to support people with diverse backgrounds who are talented but underrepresented in building the technology of tomorrow. 

Diversity drives innovation and innovative solutions need diversity.

Some numbers: With 30% women in management roles, a company's profitability increases by 15%. The company performs 24% better in management reviews and files 20% more patents a year (Global study: "Is Gender Diversity Profitable?”, Peterson Institute for International Economics).

Discussing gender equality in German business with the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

We were invited to a banquet.
